“Just for Today…” Gets Very Real
“All the doctors are recommending Hospice,” she said. The words hit me like a punch to the gut, and there is a loud buzzing in my ears. I feel myself retreating to that place deep inside where I don’t have to feel. My mind hears the words, but my heart just cannot understand or accept them.
Self-Love Through Reiki
I used to be perfect. O.K., so I wasn’t perfect – but I thought I had to be. For many years that was my mindset. I don’t really know where it came from. I know my parents did not expect it of me, yet the feeling was so strong that I was not good enough, not worthy. Have you ever felt that way? What does that even mean, “not worthy”? Worthy of what?
Divine Knowing
DO YOU REALIZE that you are in Divine Knowing at every moment? That guidance and the answers to all your questions are always available?
The Value of Reviewing Reiki Classes
HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT about reviewing a Reiki class—that is retaking a level that you have already taken? If not, I highly recommend that you do!
The Divine Connection of All Things
NAMASTE! To me this is the perfect greeting to start any communication. As it was taught to me, it is a Sanskrit word that means “The God/Divine in me salutes/acknowledges the God/Divine in you.” I believe that is the highest form of respect that we can pay to another being.
When Animals Come To Reiki Class
Animals may aid us in our everyday lives, in our dreams, meditations. Since they were created before humans, they are closer to THE SOURCE and can act as allies and guides in our search for wholeness.