Animal Reiki Classes

“Animals may aid us in our everyday lives, in our dreams, meditations. Since they were created before humans, they are closer to THE SOURCE and can act as allies, guides and familiars in our search for wholeness.”     An Inuit Woman

Currently Offering Classes ONLINE


All classes are a combination of lecture, discussion, practice & fun!
All classes taught by Carolyn Musial, Senior Reiki Master Teacher licensed by the International Center for Reiki Training.

Registration is required and space is limited. Deposit is non-refundable but may be applied to a future class within 12 months.

Animal Reiki energy has its own unique frequency of animal life force energy.

“The Animal Reiki energy received in this course empowers the practitioner with vitality and life force. The Animal Reiki energy restores the blessings between the animals and the people. It unifies the human and animal consciousness in the Reiki practitioner. The Animal Reiki energy and course heals the people as much as the animals. This class works with the Divine Animal Kingdom as is as much about them healing us, as us healing them. It is a true exchange.”
Excerpt from the ICRT Animal Reiki I&II Manual by Colleen Benelli, Sioux Strong, Robyn Benelli and Pamela Allen-LeBlanc

This course includes practitioner skills, tools, and techniques needed to share Reiki with the animals. It is a combination of lecture, discussion, and practice and is open to all Reiki lineages. Pre-Requisite: Reiki I&II. The information and techniques include:

  • The history of ICRT Animal Reiki
  • Animal Reiki defined and discussion of priorities for animals
  • The Animal Reiki symbol
  • Animal Reiki I & II Placements
  • Animal Reiki techniques for in-person and distant sessions, including preparation exercises and healing technique meditations: Animal Reiki Grounding Exercise, Whole Body Awareness Exercise, Divine Animal Circle Healing Technique, Healing Compassion Fatigue, and Animal Grief Healing Meditation
  • Discussion on giving Animal Reiki full sessions in person or live online, including session preparation, receiving the animal’s consent for Reiki, various Animal Reiki session environments, and developing your own Animal Reiki style
  • Review of common healing issues for animals
  • Distant Animal Reiki techniques for single animals or groups, candidates for distant Reiki, and how to use photos, written notes, Facetime, or live webcams for distant sessions.
  • Balancing empathy and compassion, compassion fatigue and practitioner self-care, and end-of-life support
  • Practice time working with animals in person or online
  • Review of how to create a thriving Animal Reiki practice
  • The ICRT Animal Reiki I & II Manual, authored by Colleen Benelli, Sioux Strong, Robyn Benelli, and Pamela Allen-LeBlanc.
  • A class certificate.
  • A one-year Reiki News Magazine subscription.

Generic CE form available at no additional charge.

Two Days – $545*  (See payment options below)

ALL CLASSES CURRENTLY ONLINE from Buffalo, NY (EST) 9:00 to 6:30 both days.
Computer/Tablet or smartphone with camera and microphone required.

April 4 & 5, 2025 – Registration Deadline: March 30


*See checkout for a variety of payment options.

Holy Fire® is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand.














The ICRT Animal Reiki Master class is a three-day class. To qualify to take this class, a student must have taken Reiki I & II for humans and the ICRT Animal Reiki I & II class. This Master class provides the Animal Reiki symbol and energy and the tools and techniques needed to practice, share Reiki with animals, and teach ICRT Animal Reiki with skill and expertise. Upon completion, you can teach both in-person and online ICRT Animal Reiki I & II and Master classes.

In this three-day course, you will:

  • Learn additional practitioner skills to help work with and heal animals using Reiki.
  • Receive four Ignitions to the Animal Reiki symbol and energy.
  • Receive and learn the Divine Animal Kingdom Healing Experience and the Whole-Body Listening Experience.
  • Become qualified to teach ICRT Animal Reiki I & II and ICRT Animal Reiki Master upon completion.
  • Deepen your experience, knowledge, communion with the animals, the Spirit of the Earth, and the divinity of the Earth.
  • Learn additional practitioner and Animal Reiki healing tools, including giving Reiki Placements to animals so they receive the Animal Reiki energy for their use.
  • Receive instruction on how to give Placements for Animal Reiki I & II and four Ignitions for Animal Reiki Master.
  • Learn how to conduct the Experiences and Invocations.
  • Have practice time in class.
  • Tools and techniques for creating and teaching an Animal Reiki class for both in-person and online classes.
  • Receive the ICRT Animal Reiki Master Manual with class outlines, authored by Colleen Benelli, Sioux Strong, Robyn Benelli, and Pamela Allen-Leblanc.
  • A class certificate.
  • A one-year Reiki News Magazine subscription.

3 days – $1,375 tuition*  –  Prerequisites: Reiki Master from any lineage and the ICRT Animal Reiki I & II class.

Generic CE form available at no additional charge.

ALL CLASSES CURRENTLY ONLINE from Buffalo, NY (EST) 9:00 to 6:30 all 3 days.
Computer/Tablet or smartphone with camera and microphone required.



*See checkout for a variety of payment options.

Holy Fire® is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand.


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