Reiki Classes
Currently Offering Classes ONLINE
All classes are a combination of lecture, discussion, hands-on experience & fun!
All classes taught by
Carolyn Musial
Senior Reiki Master Teacher
licensed by the
International Center for Reiki Training.
Registration is required and space is limited. Deposit is non-refundable but may be applied to a future class within 12 months.
FREE TUITION for hosting a class with a minimum of 6 students (including host). “Hosting” means you provide the students – your friends, family, etc.
INTERESTED OR FEELING GUIDED TO TAKE REIKI CLASSES, YET HAVE A FEW QUESTIONS? Carolyn would be happy to chat with you by phone at 716-572-3980, or email [email protected] to set up an appointment for a free Zoom call!
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki I & II
- Ocean of Holy Love Experience
- Reiki Talk – what is Reiki, levels of Reiki, how it heals, what it can be used for and history of Reiki
- The Reiki Ideals
- Gassho meditation
- Reiki I Placement
- Hands on practice with partner to experience the energy
- Byosen Scanning to feel energy blockages
- Hands on practice standard treatment for others using hand positions
- Kenyoku – Japanese technique to center and disconnect energy
- Review of Hayashi Healing Guide
- Discuss client release forms, charging money/barter
- Practice self-treatment: Byosen self-scan and hand positions for self-treatment
- ICRT Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
- Holy Love Experience to open to Divine Love
- Reiki II symbols – how to draw, complete meaning, how to use them in all facets of your life
- Discuss many uses of the distant symbol for distant and past/future healing
- Reiki II Placement
- Practice Reiki with partner, using one symbol at a time
- Complete treatment with all symbols
- Gyoshi-ho – Reiki with your eyes
- Enkaku Chiryo – different ways to send distant Reiki
- Class evaluations
- Certificates
Manual included. All registrations include a one-year subscription to the Reiki News Magazine! (If you currently have a subscription, 4 additional issues will be added to your subscription.)
Generic CE form available at no additional charge.
Two Days – $545* (See payment options below)
ALL CLASSES CURRENTLY ONLINE from Buffalo, NY (EST) 9:00 to 6:30 both days.
Computer/Tablet or smartphone with camera and microphone required.
January 4 & 5, 2025 – Registration Deadline: December 28
June 6 & 7, 2025 – Registration Deadline: June 1
*Check or Four payment options with PayPal:
– Your credit card
– Your PayPal account
– “PayPal Credit” – No interest if paid in full in 6 months
– “Pay Later” – Interest-free payments due every 2 weeks
Holy Fire® is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand.
Usui/Holy Fire® III Reiki Master
Includes the World Peace Reiki Upgrade
- Explanation of the unique way that Holy Fire® III Experiences, Placements and Ignitions are done
- Explanation of the ICRT definition of Soul and Spirit, the Heavens and letting go of guides
- Empowered by the River of Life Experience
- Evolution of Reiki
- Demonstrate using crystals and stones with Reiki, Reiki Grids and Distant Healing
- First Holy Fire® III Ignition
- Usui Master symbol – meaning and uses
- Advanced Reiki Placement
- Practice using Usui Master symbol in sessions
- Second Holy Fire® III Ignition
- What is Holy Fire®, history, concepts
- Holy Fire® symbol – attributes, benefits and usage
- Holy Fire® III Reiki and spiritual guidance
- Explanation Master Practitioner and Master Teacher levels
- Third Holy Fire® III Ignition
- Practice Reiki using Holy Fire® with partner
- ICRT philosophy and purpose
- Fourth Holy Fire® III Ignition – World Peace Ignition
- Values and spiritual orientation of a Reiki Master
- Practice Reiki using Holy Fire® with partner
- Holy Fire® Meditation
- Spirit Release process
- Moving Meditation
- Experiences, Placements and Ignitions – go over outlines, explanation of how to do them
- How to receive ignitions by yourself
- Discuss teaching both online and in person – review class outlines
- Discuss developing a Reiki practice
- Explain the Reiki Membership Association (RMA) value and Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice
- Class Evaluations
- Certificates
For a complete description of Holy Fire® Reiki, click here.
3 days – $1,375 tuition* – Prerequisites: Reiki I & II (See payment options below)
Manual included. All registrations include a one-year subscription to the Reiki News Magazine! (If you currently have a subscription, 4 additional issues will be added to your subscription.)
Generic CE form available at no additional charge.
ALL CLASSES CURRENTLY ONLINE from Buffalo, NY (EST) 9:00-6:30.
Computer/Tablet or smartphone with camera and microphone required.
March 7, 8 & 9, 2025 – Online – Registration Deadline: March 2
April 28, 29, 30 & May 1 – IN PERSON @ Silver Bay, NY (on Lake George)
Class begins Monday @ 7:00 pm, all day Tues-Thurs.
Registration Deadline: April 24
For Room & Board visit
Then join us for the Northeast Reiki Reteat, May 2-3! Visit for info.
*Check or Four payment options with PayPal:
– Your credit card
– Your PayPal account
– “PayPal Credit” – No interest if paid in full in 6 months
– “Pay Later” – Interest-free payments due every 2 weeks
Holy Fire® is the registered service mark of William Lee Rand.
Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® Master
Includes the World Peace Reiki Upgrade
- Explain unique way Holy Fire® III Experiences, Placements and Ignitions are done
- Explain Soul and Spirit, the Heavens and Letting Go of Guides
- Empowered by the River of Life Experience
- Evolution of Reiki – how Reiki has evolved with Usui, Hayashi and Takata
- Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® – what it is, origin and history
- Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® and spiritual guidance
- Holy Fire® – what it is, origin, concepts
- Holy Fire® symbol
- First Holy Fire® III Ignition
- Karuna I symbols – what they are, how they are used
- Karuna II symbols – what they are, how they are used
- Second Holy Fire® Ignition
- Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® registered trademark and registration process
- Third Holy Fire® III Ignition
- How to give a Holy Fire® III Karuna Reiki® treatment
- Practice using Karuna I symbols with Holy Fire®
- Experiences, Placements & Ignitions – go over outlines, explanation of how to do them
- Holy Fire® III meditation
- Fourth Holy Fire® III Ignition – World Peace Ignition
- Practice using Karuna II symbols with Holy Fire®
- Sound Healing – Chanting and Toning practice with Holy Fire® and Karuna symbols
- Discuss teaching both online and in-person, review class outlines
- Healing Spirit Attachements
- Class reviews
- Certificates
Note: You must have been a Reiki Master Teacher for at least 6 months to take Karuna Reiki® Master training.
3 days – $1,375* – Prerequisites: Reiki I, II and Reiki Master (See payment options below)
Manual included. All registrations include a one-year subscription to the Reiki News Magazine! (If you currently have a subscription, 4 additional issues will be added to your subscription.)
Generic CE form available at no additional charge.
ALL CLASSES CURRENTLY ONLINE from Buffalo, NY (EST) 9:00 to 6:30 all 3 days.
Computer/Tablet or smartphone with camera and microphone required.
Call or email [email protected] for class dates.
*Check or Four payment options with PayPal:
– Your credit card
– Your PayPal account
– “PayPal Credit” – No interest if paid in full in 6 months
– “Pay Later” – Interest-free payments due every 2 weeks
Holy Fire® and Karuna Reiki® are registered service marks of William Lee Rand.
Continuing Education Contact Hours – CEs
A Certificate of Completion is available for all Reiki classes for professionals. This is an added benefit of our training programs, and this service is offered at no additional charge. You may turn this Certificate of Completion into your licensing or certification board for potential credit toward your continuing education or contact hours for your license or certificate. Each state board, state, national board or licensing agency makes its own decision on whether to accept this form and how many hours, if any, to accept for Reiki classes. Please request the certificate when registering for a class.